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Ikuti Manaqib di Pondok Pesantren Suryalaya.... setiap tanggal 10 & 11 bulan Hijriah

29 April 2009

Laba-laba Penjelajah Bulan

punya mainan baru, yakni sebuah kendaraan berkaki enam yang nantinya akan digunakan sebagai penjelajah bulan. Kendaraan yang dibuat dengan biaya 2 miliar dolar amerika ini mampu melaju dengan kecapatan 15 mil perjam. kenapa dibuat dengan enam kaki? katanya sih biar lebih tangguh saat menempuh mdan berat di bulan.

berikut kutipan dari Gizmodo

• It navigated seemingly challenging terrain with relative ease, even if the ride was not so smooth for the passenger.

• The motion of the vehicle was a little disconcerting, as it didn’t move in a conventional manner; climbing, sliding and dropping in an apparent erratic manner.

• The six wheels could be controlled independently to navigate really, really challenging spots.

• The suspension is souped up to the galactic brim; the chassis can be raised a whopping, 28-inches in height.

• It’s freaking mahoosive, weighing in at 4,500 pounds it is far too large to make it to the moon in its current state.

• The Lunar Chariot is using commercial parts—a cheap webcam and Earth-car grade tires that would never make the final draft, and neither would they survive out in the big old vacuum. [gizmodo]

kalo kutipan dari NYT seperti ini

That is a pretty big load for any vehicle, no matter how spiffy. But this one may be able to carry the weight: basically, it is a long flatbed with six sets of double tires, each set independently steered. At one end is the driver’s seat — actually, a rotating turret with a computer screen and a joystick — along with a host of cameras, lights and sensors that would let the rover be driven by remote control, or even to make its way along the barren plains of the moon or Mars with a degree of autonomy

[shirogadget gudangnya informasi teknologi mutakhir. juga info gadget terbaru]

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Sumber: Laba-laba penjelajah bulan - ShiroGadget Sponsor: Game Flash Gratis

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